Products of the company
- Multi-criteria, spatial, predictive analysis.
- Evaluation research: results of economic management, financial planning.
- Sociological surveys: management of Focus Groups, questionnaire surveys using CATI method, Mystery client, quantitative and qualitative methods.
- Socio-demographic analysis: data for community, strategic, land-use planning, migration trends, suburbanization processes.
- Proposals for the production and residential areas for urban development plans on the basis of demographic forecasts.
- Comprehensive processing of the analysis of sustainable development of the area: basis for the cities management.
- The settlement structure in a broader context – the key for decision-making of the region management. Trends for integrated urban development program, basis for principles territorial development in the land-use planning.
- Marketing of cities and regions: a study of tourism potential, proposals for specific products.
- Development strategies of cities and regions, micro-regions.
- Community planning of the social services: ensuring networking and financial planning, transportation accessibility, optimization possibilities.
- The concept of urban housing: low-cost and social model, systems for preventing homelessness.
- Labour market analysis, identification of problematic areas, implementing of social inclusion and social exclusion program, prediction of localities development.
- Process management in the area of human resources and improving the quality of offices.
Expert consultations
- Consultations in the area of urban economic management and creation of development strategies. Financial planning.
- Process management and optimization of offices operation.
- Consultations on the analysis of sustainable urban development.
- Consultations on the use of multi-criteria methods for the territory evaluation, such as application of Hruška´s method.
- Consultations on ensuring the availability of social services networks and financial planning.
- Consultations on development projects and their financial sustainability.
Training and courses
- Courses in spatial planning and analysis of sustainable development of the area, application of Hruška´s method.
- Courses in GIS, multi-criteria, spatial analysis, working with data.
- Courses in applied statistics.
- Courses for management.
- Courses in human resources management and improving the quality of offices.
- Financial analysis for organizations and cities. Sustainability and financial instruments for development projects.
- Courses in housing policy for the municipalities.
- Courses in settlement structure for regional authorities.